Group 2 5 min Read

Environmental Social Governance Policy     

1.0 Commitment to Sustainability

The core of any business is its people and their individual attributes including integrity, ethical values and competence – and the environment in which they operate.  3MD Inc. Denali Advanced Integration (“Denali” or the “Company”), has been delivering Enterprise IT solutions and services in order to guide clients through the most complex IT challenges since 1992. We provide world-class technical solutions and best practices globally. We work closely with our customers, listen to their needs and goals, and put together plans to implement a collection of technologies to help keep up with the speed of business.

This Sustainability Policy (the “Policy”) outlines Denali’s commitment to environmentally sustainable practices and serves to provide an on-going commitment to continually improving our environmental and sustainable footprint. This Policy is effective immediately as of July 27, 2022 (the Effective Date”). By our internal standards, Denali believes that sustainability is defined as using, developing, and protecting resources at a rate that enables current business needs, while protecting future generations of Denali stakeholders.   

The Company believes in conducting affairs in a fair and transparent manner by adopting the highest standards of environmental conservation, professionalism, honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior. Accordingly, the Environmental, Sustainability, and Governance Committee (the “ESG” Committee”) was formed and is responsible for developing the implementing procedures necessary to institutionalize sustainability procedures for the Company. This includes encouraging environmentally sound, ethical, and sustainable business practices. Denali’s aim is for the workforce to be truly represented of all sections of society, and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best while remaining diligent to applicable sustainability practices. Denali’s Commitment: Denali recognizes that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods. We will encourage customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to do the same.

Denali’s Commitment: Denali recognizes that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods. We will encourage customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to do the same.

2.0 Organization Structure, Responsibilities and Considerations

Responsibility:  Denali’s Sustainability Committee is responsible for ensuring that this Policy is implemented, however, all employees have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of this Policy are met.

Structure:  Denali recognizes and adheres to an organizational structure that is set down in writing in an organizational chart which allows for conducting internal and environmental compliance controls.  The organizational structure identifies the person(s) with the overall responsibility to ensure various corporate compliance commitments. All compliance related functions, duties and responsibilities are defined, assigned, and connected to each other in an order that ensures the management that the company conducts overall compliance. 

The Company utilizes a multi-tier approach for responsibilities relating to compliance, including environmental factors. Personnel that work for the Company directly report to the person(s) with the overall responsibility for environmental controls. Environmental control staff have access to the relevant legislative texts including the latest lists of sustainability factors and/or related data and utilize IT support for internal compliance procedures based on Company needs.

Specific Compliance Related Functions and Responsibilities:  Related functions, duties, and responsibilities are defined and are connected to managing the Company’s overall environmental and sustainability compliance in all aspects. Among other members, the list below is a representation of the members and governance:

  • Governance: Sustainability Committee
    • Responsible for sustainability accountability and environmental guidance and reporting.
  • Responsible Senior Executive: Vice President, Business Management
    • Acts as an escalation point and notifications to executive management.
  • Responsible Human Resources: HR Manager
    • Responsible for signoff and escalation of HR related sustainability matters.
  • Responsible Business Units: Procurement and Demand Planning Manager
    • Responsible for identifying and reporting on business related environmental and sustainable practices as they pertain to procurement and demand generation.
  • Responsible Legal Manager: Legal Counsel
    • Act as an escalation point for all legal matters associated with identified risks and reporting as relative to environmental sustainability.

Policy Goals:  To have a reduction of carbon emissions.
To achieve this goal, we will: 

  • Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements.
  • Continually improve and monitor environmental performance.
  • Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts.
  • Incorporate environmental factors into business decisions.
  • Increase leadership, personnel, and stakeholder awareness and training on sustainability practices.

Considerations to Achieve Goal: monitor, report, and reduce our resource usage.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions
    • Reduce the need to travel, restricting to necessity trips only. Promote the use of travel alternatives such as e-mail or video/phone conferencing. Make additional efforts to accommodate the needs of those using public transport or bicycles.
    • Encourage “green” vehicles and maintain current vehicle fleet to ensure ongoing efficiency.
  • Reduce pollution through the use of cleaning materials
    • Use cleaning materials that are as environmentally friendly as possible. Use materials in any office refurbishment that are as environmentally friendly as possible.
    • Only use licensed and appropriate organizations to dispose of waste.
  • Energy management and efficiency in use of products:
    • Minimize the use of paper in the office.
    • Reduce packaging as much as possible.
    • Seek to buy recycled and recyclable paper products.
    • Reuse and recycle all paper where possible.
  • Land use and energy consumption
    • Reduce the amount of energy used as much as possible. Switch off lights and electrical equipment when not in use. Adjust heating and cooling with energy consumption in mind.
    • Take energy consumption and efficiency of new products into account when purchasing them.

3.0 Promoting a Sustainability and Environmentally Focused Culture

Denali commits to:

  • Update this policy at least once annually in consultation with leadership, personnel, and other stakeholders where necessary.
  • Involve leadership, personnel, and other stakeholders in the implementation of this policy, for greater commitment and improved performance.
  • Provide leadership, personnel, and other stakeholders with relevant environmental and sustainability training where applicable.
  • Work with suppliers, contractors, and subcontractors to improve their environmental and sustainability performance.
  • Use local labor and materials where available to reduce GHG, CO2, or other emissions in order to benefit our community.

Policy Updated as of November 30, 2022

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